Archives For jhein

I am spending more and more time in the US and so I decided to set up a bank account with an American bank. Of course you can use most of the German Debit and Credit Cards here, but it is much more expensive. The German banks usually charge extra for payments made in US Dollar and ATM withdrawals in foreign countries. It is also more convinient to have a US Debit and Credit Card. You can pay gas directly at the pump and some online services do not accept foreign cards.

While the process of setting up the bank account was pretty easy (for me, not for the bank rep who was constantly looking up stuff in his guideline books) the banking fees here are insane compared to the ones in Germany. Just to give you a few examples: For an incoming domestic wire transfer (“eingehende Überweisung”) they charge $15, for a international one $30. If you overdraft your account, there is a $34 fee for each transaction, while the account balance is negative, in addition to the interest rates, which can be up to 19,99% (The sales rep had to lough himself as he was explaining them to me and I asked if that was a joke.)

But my main use cases being, getting cash from the ATM and using the Debit/Credit Card are free, so it still would be cheaper and easier than using my German cards.

However transferring money from Germany to a US bank account is a very different story. I did a first transfer of 1000 Euro and when it showed up in the US account, around $86 where missing. I wrote to ComDirect and Chase for an statement showing me the exchange rate used and the fees subtracted, but both said it was outside their responsibility because they had used Bank Of America as an agent and they had no idea what the fees were. So almost 7% of the money were missing and I could not even get a receipt for the fees.

In my opinion, that is a very smart form of embezzlement, so I needed another solution and found TransferWise. A online service especially made to transfer money internationally at low and transparent fees. They use the official mid-market or interbank rate to exchange the currencies and charge only a low fee of 0,5%. So I did another test transfer of 1000 EUR with them. It took a few days longer than the regular wire transfer, but it was much cheaper. Not only did they really only charge 5 EUR in fees, they also used ACH, which made it free to receive at Chase.


So by using their service, I saved $80 or 64 EUR in fees for the transaction. That is a pretty big difference. TransferWise was created by the people who initially founded Skype and is backed by investments of Richard Branson, Index Ventures and many others. They achieve the cheaper price difference by not really moving the money but trying to match your transfer with other transfers going into the opposite direction.

(Disclaimer: The link I used is an affiliate link. It will give you one free money transfer and me 70 GBP should 3 people sign up and transfer money at least once. Which will probably never happen. So I get nothing and the one person who will try it a free transfer.)

Great Ad Placement

Julian —  20. November 2014 — 1 Comment



(via Pinterest from Strawberry Star Designs)

Virginia police can now force you to unlock your smartphone with your fingerprint (ZDNet):

(…) A video purporting to show the incident was on the defendant’s phone, but his lawyer argued that handing over his passcodes would be in breach of his Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination.

But, a fingerprint — used by a number of devices, like the latest iPhones, iPads, and Samsung Galaxy phones and tablets — does not fall within these protections, which Judge Steven C. Frucci likened it to handing over a DNA sample. (…)



DEA and NSA Team Up to Share Intelligence, Leading to Secret Use of Surveillance in Ordinary Investigations (EFF): 

As the NSA scoops up phone records and other forms of electronic evidence while investigating national security and terrorism leads, they turn over “tips” to a division of the Drug Enforcement Agency (“DEA”) known as the Special Operations Division (“SOD”). FISA surveillance was originally supposed to be used only in certain specific, authorized national security investigations, but information sharing rules implemented after 9/11 allows the NSA to hand over information to traditional domestic law-enforcement agencies, without any connection to terrorism or national security investigations.

But instead of being truthful with criminal defendants, judges, and even prosecutors about where the information came from, DEA agents are reportedly obscuring the source of these tips. For example, a law enforcement agent could receive a tip from SOD—which SOD, in turn, got from the NSA—to look for a specific car at a certain place. But instead of relying solely on that tip, the agent would be instructed to find his or her own reason to stop and search the car. Agents are directed to keep SOD under wraps and not mention it in “investigative reports, affidavits, discussions with prosecutors and courtroom testimony,” according to Reuters.

This is probably one example how this works: How Did the Feds Identity Dread Pirate Roberts?

(Picture CC by Jef Pearlman)
