Die Links zum Sonntag

Julian —  9. June 2013 — Leave a comment

Hier die interessantesten Links über die ich diese Woche gestolpert bin:

Overcrowding in California prisons – Imgur

Bilder aus amerikanischen Gefängnissen. Die sind meistens privatisiert und da versucht der Betreiber natürlich seinen Gewinn zu maximieren und sie entsprechend voll zu bekommen. Kein schöner Anblick. Erinnert eher an ein Flüchtlingslager.

Key to Happiness: Keeping Busy Without Feeling Rushed

Who among us are the most happy? Newly published research suggests it is those fortunate folks who have little or no excess time, and yet seldom feel rushed.

How Busy People Find Time to Think Deeply | Ben Casnocha

During the first presidential campaign Michelle Obama was worried her husband’s schedule allowed him “no time to think.” You hear the same from business executives who traverse impossibly packed days. But how many people budget serious thinking time on their calendar? Few. After all, what would you actually do during time set aside to just “think”? Sit in a chair, stare straight ahead, and ponder the world?

Schönen Sonntag,

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